Agriculture minister launches app for horticulture schemes

PATNA: State agriculture minister Prem Kumar on Thursday launched anAndroid mobile app that will help officials manning the horticulturedirectorate in conducting transparent monitoring and inspection of theprogress and quality of work done at the ground level under variousschemes. It will also help in the disposal of subsidy claims made by thebeneficiaries in a fortnight.Kumar said as many as 50 schemes are under implementation in the stateunder the aegis of the horticulture directorate. “Progress of specialprojects implemented in select districts needed to be monitoredregularly,” he said.The minister added the beneficiaries as well as the officials could download the app by visiting the website of the horticulturedirectorate – app has been christened as eHort Inspection Android App. Among the senior officials present at the launch includedhorticulture director Nand Kishore.“Under the scheme, beneficiaries are paid subsidies, but prior to paying them subsidy amount proper inspection of the groundsituation is to be done. The eHort app will help in general monitoring and assessment of the progress and quality of workdone,” Kumar said, adding monitoring and inspection will be done at three levels – state, division and district.

Once the assessment report is uploaded by the officials engaged in inspection at the ground level, it will be followed by quickdisposal of subsidy claim payable to the beneficiaries concerned within a fortnight, Kumar said.He said the move was aimed at making the schemes transparent and ensuring periodic assessment of the actual progress ofthe schemes.

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